According to the International Labour Office (ILO), Morocco records 47.8 fatal work accidents per 100,000 employees, which is 2.5 times the average rate for the MENA region (Middle East and North Africa). Civil society and public authorities expect a strong commitment from the industrial sector to improve safety at work. In addition to the family tragedies and social costs caused by accidents, the competitiveness of companies is hampered by the costs of non-safety: financial costs (work stoppages for employees, possible legal costs ….) and image costs. In addition, each accident leads to productivity losses caused by the fear of accidents and the loss of the employees’ confidence.
In order to contribute to the promotion of good health and safety practices in the building materials industries, in 2014/2015 CETEMCO carried out a development project named SALAMA I: “Management of occupational health and safety in the building materials industries”. This project is part of the general interest activities of the Center and benefited from a funding support from the Ministry of Industry, Trade, Investment and Digital Economy through the Fund of Support to Technical Centers “FACET”.
– To conceive a simple reference system for the construction materials industry segments to be implemented for operational control of risks related to health and safety at work.
– To have this standard implemented as a national standard
– To promote the use of this standard through a certification
The project was carried out through the following main actions:
– Diagnosis of about ten companies, Elaboration of action plans and a draft specification of technical and regulatory requirements for the management of occupational health and safety in Moroccan SMEs;
– Support of five selected companies in action plans implementation and validation of the occupational health and safety management specifications;
– Promotion of occupational health and safety management in the construction materials industry.
IMANOR (French Acronym): Moroccan Institute of Standardization
APC (French Acronym): Professional Association of Cement Manufacturers
– Training of the diagnosed companies on the principles of health and safety at work
– Edition of the “SALAMA I” reference system leading to a certification
– Support of 4 companies on the implementation of the requirements needed for the SALAMA standard
– Adoption of a new national standard NM 00.5.799: “Essential requirements for an occupational health and safety risk management system” – Standard effective since October 2016
– Edition of the technical guide ” SALAMA I “