About the project
The construction and public works industry generates approximately 9 million tons of construction, demolition and redevelopment waste each year. Iron, wood, aluminum and copper are highly sought-after products by collectors and informal dealers, which is not the case for glass, bituminous materials and concrete, which make up the bulk of the rubble. In fact, industry professionals are struggling to get rid of the concrete waste
This is due to the lack of specific landfill for this type of waste on one hand, and the non-availability of collection and recycling facilities for inert waste on the other.
In this context, in 2016/2017 CETEMCO carried out a development project named V2D: “Valorization of Deconstructed Concrete Waste”. This project is part of the general interest activities of the Center and benefited from a funding support from the Ministry of Industry, Trade, Investment and Digital Economy through the Support Fund for Technical Centers “FACET”.
The V2D project consists in studying the technical feasibility of recycling waste from deconstructed concrete in the manufacture of cement and concrete.
The project was carried out through the following main actions:
– Diagnosis of the current situation regarding deconstruction waste management on a national scale
– International benchmark on experiments of management of these wastes
– Sampling and physico-chemical characterization of deconstructed concrete intended to be recycled in the manufacture of cement and concrete
– Formulation and development study of the valorisation ways of deconstructed concrete in:
– Clinker manufacturing as raw material
– Cement manufacturing
– Concrete manufacturing (in substitution of natural aggregates)
– APC (French Acronym): Professional Association of Cement Manufacturers
– The results of the project have demonstrated the technical feasibility of valorization of deconstructed concrete in the manufacture of clinker, lean cement and concrete.
– Insights on the implementation of a Valorization ecosystem for construction waste gravel