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The ENVIRONMENT laboratory

For the purpose of supporting industrialists and organizations wishing to engage in an environmental upgrading process, CETEMCO laboratory makes a contribution in terms of sampling, analysis and advice.

Thanks to its two mobile units, it offers services allowing precise and reliable measurements of the environmental impact of your activity and to comply with the legal and regulatory requirements.

Furthermore, CETEMCO’s Environment laboratory is involved in sampling and analysing soil samples, water effluents and atmospheric discharges.
It also carries out evaluations of the working environment by measuring the noise, the level of light intensity and the dust rate.

Water sampling and analysis (groundwater, drinking water, wastewater...)

Physico-chemical parameters:
▶ pH, Water temperature, Conductivity, Turbidity, Water color, Water odor, Water flavor, Dissolved oxygen O2, Oxidability to KMnO4, TA, TAC, DBOS and COD…

Organic micropollutants:
▶ Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons PAHs, Total Hydrocarbons, VOCs…

Alkaline earth and heavy metal parameters:
▶ Manganese, Aluminium, Silver, Boron, Cadmium, Chromium, Cobalt, Copper, Tin, Iron…

Biological, microbiological and bacteriological parameters:
▶ Total germs at 22 °C, Total germs at 37 °C, Total coliforms, Fecal coliforms, Salmonella…

Characterization of ambient air quality by a mobile laboratory

▶ Measurement of meteorological parameters: air temperature, air pressure, relative air humidity, wind direction and speed;
▶ Continuous measurement of gaseous pollutants (NOX, SO2, CO, O3, VOC…);
▶ Measurement of PM10 dust concentration in ambient air;
▶ Measurement of Cadmium (Cd) and Lead (Pb) concentrations in dust;
▶ Measurement of dust deposition.

Characterization of stacks emissions by a mobile laboratory or isokinetic sampling system

▶ Measurement of temperature, pressure and flow rate;
▶ Measurement of gaseous pollutants (SO2, NOX, CO, CO2, O2, TVOC, HCl, HF);
▶ Measurement of dust content (Isokinetic sampling);
▶ Analysis of metals: Sb, Co, Sn, Mn, Se, Te, Ar, Tl, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn, V…

Dusts measurement with a portable device (Dust dosimeter)

Since they are everywhere, they have to be measured everywhere: in the ambient air inside, outside, in clean rooms, at the exit of filters, on the top of chimneys, on the surface of walls or microcomponents…
Environment, hygiene and safety regulations require the elimination of dusts.

CETEMCO’s Environmental Laboratory carries out measurements in this sense thanks to an automatic dust analyzer (dust counter).

The soil analysis reflects the composition’s characterization and the physicochemical qualities of a soil

This analysis is commonly performed in order to know the potential of sustainable exploitation of a soil so as to save and manage losses by erosion and protect the environment.

▶ Physical-chemical parameters: Texture and grain size fractions (clay, silt, fine sand, medium sand, coarse sand, etc.), pH (H₂O e KCl), electrical conductivity, active limestone and total carbonates, oxidizable organic matter, C / N ratio, Moisture, etc.

▶ Fertility: nitrogenous forms (total, Kjeldahl, nitric, ammonia and organic nitrogen), phosphorus, available bases (calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium)

▶ Soil structure: Change bases (Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, Sodium), Cation exchange capacity, etc.

▶ Assimilable fractions: Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, Chloride, Sodium, Sulfur, Aluminum, etc.

▶ Extract of Saturated Paste (EPS): Ammonium, Nitrates, Phosphates, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium and Chlorides

▶ Micro-elements: iron, manganese, copper, zinc, boron, etc.

▶ Heavy metals: lead, cadmium, mercury, arsenic, chromium, nickel, lithium, beryllium, cobalt, titanium, tin, strontium, barium, silver..

▶ Irrigation parameters: Useful water, field capacity, wilting point, permeability, etc.

Noise nuisance measurement

Noise is a nuisance present in many professional industries
The CETEMCO Environmental Laboratory supports different factories and companies in conducting noise measurements as per the specifications of the following standards:

NF S 31-010 :
▶ Acoustics, characterization and measurement of environmental noise.

NM ISO 1996-1:
▶ Acoustics, characterization and measurement of environmental noise – Part 1: Basic quantities and methods.