CETEMCO is an Interprofessional Association founded in December 1996 on an initiative from manufacturers of construction products and construction companies, with the support of the Moroccan government through the Ministry of Industry and Trade. The State has promoted the creation of several other technical centers, all located in a complex in Sidi Maârouf, Casablanca. Today, these technical centers are gathered by the Network of Moroccan Industrial Technical Centers (RECTIM) and represent the driving force of the country’s industrial development.
Missions and area of expertise
CETEMCO has been a technical support organization for companies in the construction industry for over 25 years, and counting.
Its missions are: quality improvement, productivity enhancement and promotion of safety and environmental protection.
It is particularly involved in laboratory testing of cement, aggregates, concrete, precast concrete, marble, ceramic products and waterproofing products, for the purpose of testing their suitability for use and verifying their compliance with the various standards in force. It also carries out research and development activities related to those products.
CETEMCO is also a consulting and training platform which supports professionals of the industry in enhancing their performance on a daily basis.
Partnership with the Ministry of Industry and the European Union
Since its formation, CETEMCO has been linked to the Ministry of Industry by a convention whose last update consisted of a program contract. This program contract has set out:
the intended objectives of the center in terms of development of its activities and
the means to be put at its disposal to reach those objectives.
This program contract was signed on February 21, 2013 before HM King Mohamed VI may God assist him during the IIIrd Assizes of Industry held in Tangier.
CETEMCO has benefited from financial support from the EU under the MEDA program.
It received another financial support from the EU between 2013 and 2017 under the program RSA (« Réussir le Statut Avancé » or Succeed at Advanced Status in English) in its regulatory convergence section (see video below).
CETEMCO is Accredited
CETEMCO is accredited according to the ISO NM 17025 standard for nearly 100 testing and calibration programs.

ISO NM 17025
Moroccan Accreditation Body
CETEMCO is Approved
CETEMCO is approved by the Ministry of Industry for the regulatory control of construction products.

Ministry of Industry
Market Surveillance
CETEMCO is Qualified
CETEMCO is qualified by IMANOR for the compliance assessment in the process of certification of construction products.

Moroccan Institute of Standardization