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Caractérisation et ingénierie des matériaux

Characterization of materials

CETEMCO has very advanced means: hydraulic binders and materials characterization laboratory and thermal laboratory to analyze and characterize natural materials which can be used, either directly in construction or in the manufacturing of construction products.

Thus, we can know:

♦ The elemental chemical composition of a material
♦ Its mineralogical phases;
♦ Its microscopy;
♦ Its texture such as grain size, porosity, density, specific surface area…;
♦ Its thermal performances: conductivity, calorific value…

These characterizations are provided for:

♦ Compliance assessment of the material with its normative reference;
♦ The formulation of a product;
♦ Products and constructions pathology expertise;
♦ Recognition and identification of raw material deposits.
♦ Soil characterization