About the project
The steel industry produces thousands of tons of waste each year from steel mill and rolling mill activities. The management of this waste is currently a problem for steelmakers due to a lack of collection and recycling facilities in Morocco dedicated to this type of waste. In addition, Law 28-00 on waste management and disposal, despite prohibiting their disposal in public dumps, does not include any provision for the disposal of this type of waste.
The recovery of this waste in other industries is a promising opportunity. This solution will avoid additional costs currently deployed by companies to store them.
In this perspective, in 2018/2019 CETEMCO has completed a development project entitled VDS: “Valorization of waste from the steel industry”. This project is part of the general interest activities of the Center and has received a funding support from the Ministry of Industry, Trade, Investment and Digital Economy through the Fund of Support to Technical Centers “FACET”.
The project consists in studying the feasibility of the most promising ways of valorization for waste from the steel industry. It focuses on recycling this waste as raw material in the manufacture of other products, notably cement, concrete and concrete products, and as a soil amendment in the agricultural sector.
The project was carried out through the following main actions:
– Framing of the project and diagnosis of the current situation regarding waste management among Moroccan steelmakers
– Diagnostic campaign of the steel industry on a national scale
– Technical and economic study of the ways of valorization at the laboratory and industrial scale.
– APC (French Acronym): Professional Association of Cement Manufacturers
– ASM (French Acronym): Association of Moroccan Steelworkers
– Qualitative and quantitative evaluation of iron and steel waste in Morocco
– Validation of incorporation possibilities of these wastes in :
– The manufacture of cement based on black slag and calamine
– The manufacture of raw meal based on black slag
– The manufacture of concrete based on black slag
– The manufacture of interlocking paving stones based on black slag
– Amendment of acid soil in agriculture with white slag.
– Verification of the positive impact of these additions on both performance and cost.